Local Date and Time is:  Friday, 26 July 2024, 10:59 PM

Inside the Armory

AC7KW's new office!

The Finish Line!! (with Main street closed!)

Our new banner!

Across the street

Across the street

Steve briefing support drivers


King of the hill!



Food Vendor

Setting up trackers

Setting up trackers

SAG Truck's

More paperwork!

Starting line-up

Cottage Grove Police Escort

Lead Motorcycles


More bicycle pack!

More bicycle pack!

More bicycle pack!

Our Office!

It's a scenic course!

K7POC Mobile rig

Our Other Office!

Before the craziness starts

Aid 3 action begins...

More A3

More A3

Volunteer bike repair

More A3

More A3

More A3

More A3

More A3

Medio course junction

Tandem Leaders at the cut-off

Tandem Leaders at the cut-off

Riders past the junction

On to Aid 2!

WB7ROB's Mobile rig

Decision time

Fun Shot!

W7ZQD's mobile radio truck!

Old Antenna Down!!

Nerw Antenna up!!

View from near Roman Nose

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