Welcome to Cottage Grove, Oregon!   

SLARA News:  

If your contact information changes, PLEASE let the Secretary know, so that they can keep the contact list current. There is a link for them on the contact page, or let them know at a meeting on the sign-in form.


News Flash!

Bill, N7AGX has donated to SLARA, for Fairview - a six cavity Sinclair duplexer - tuned for Fairview already. He has been thanked by a couple of us in person as well as for the entire club - we need to find a way to truly express our gratitude to him.


Last meeting's minutes:

SLARA Meeting
9 June 2024

Tom W7KP called the meeting to order.

Sign in sheet went around.

9 members and no visitors were present.

Rob AC7WU read the minutes from the May 5th 2024 meeting. M/S/C to accept as written.

Eston W7WIX gave the treasury report.



Fairview has been off most of the time, due to issues.
The duplexer obtained last fall is not checking out correctly at this point - another look will be taken, and Joe is on the trail of another one.
Bear is working pretty well, occasional issues.
The 146.66 is working great.
Repeater discussions.
Joe W7ZQD let us know about the ORRC Region 4 election on June 8th kept him and Scott N7NPA as Directors.
Bill W7WHA asked about field day.
Field Day June 22nd - at the Masonic Centers park area. Bring food you want - share what food you want to - bring radio/antenna if you want to be sure of being on the air.
Rick K7POC announced he saw a news article about Lane County fire getting a two million dollar radio upgrade.


Old Business:

New Business:

Upcoming Events:
Masonic Breakfast in two weeks, the 16th of June 2024.

Good of the order:

M/S/C to adjourn

QRZ callsign lookup:
Callsign lookups provided by qrz.com
© 2024 South Lane Amateur Radio Association. All rights reserved.