SLARA Articles of Organization:
I. PurposeThe mission of the South Lane Amateur Radio Association, is to create an environment of goodwill,fellowship, and community resource for the activities involving amateur radio in the South Lane and North Douglas County areas. Promotion of operator skills, technical knowledge, ethical conduct, and honorable service to the community will be the stated goals of the membership of this group.
II. Organization
A. This organization shall be named the South Lane Amateur Radio Association. The organization shall abide by democratic majority rule principles in all matters.
B. Officers shall consist of one president, one vice president, one secretary, and one treasurer. The officers and appointees of the association shall maintain their membership in good standing during their term of office or appointment.
1. The president's duties shall consist of scheduling and management of all meetings. the president shall have the authority to assign additional duties to other officers and appointed position as deemed necessary in the conduct of the groups' business. The president shall have the authority call for committees to be formed for the resolution of various issues. The president may assume the responsibility to represent the groups' interests at public functions and forums, and may assign representatives from the membership to assist.
2. The vice president shall assume the responsibilities of the president in the president's absence, or temporary inability to perform the functions of the office. The vice president shall reside over all committees and appointees conducting business of the group. The vice president shall assume any additional duties deemed necessary by the president.
3. The secretary shall maintain accurate records of all meetings, correspondence, and inventory of all group physical assets. The secretary shall distribute meeting to the membership, no less than 48 hours before the start of the scheduled meeting by any reasonable means. The secretary shall provide a copy of the previous meeting minutes to the president as soon as practical, prior to the next scheduled meeting. The secretary shall also supply a copy of the meeting minutes to the webmaster for publication on the club website. The secretary shall work with the treasurer to maintain an accurate membership roster. The secretary shall assume any additional duties deemed necessary by the president.
4. The treasurer shall maintain accurate records of all financial transactions concerning the club. The treasurer shall provide a monthly summary to the president prior to each meeting, and have a copy available at each membership meeting. the treasurer shall maintain an accurate list of paid members, and coordinate with the secretary to maintain an accurate membership roster. The treasurer shall assume any additional duties deemed necessary by the president.
5.The Trustee shall be an appointed position by the president. The Trustee shall serve completely at the pleasure of the president. The Trustee shall maintain the licenses, association memberships, and documentation necessary to ensure the legal operation of the groups' assets. the Trustee may be appointed, re-appointed, ore removed as the president deems necessary, at any time, with or without cause. the trustee reports directly to the vice president.
6. The Liaison shall be an appointed position by the president. The liaison shall serve directly at the pleasure of the president. the liaison shall maintain contact and communications with other clubs and groups in the area, pursuing activities of interest in amateur radio. The liaison may represent South Lane Amateur Radio Association to other groups and clubs in broad general terms of goals and activities. The liaison shall not voice an opinion or position representing this group, unless specifically directed to do so by the officers. The Liaison may be appointed, re-appointed, or removed as the president deems necessary, at any time, with or without cause.
7. The Membership Representative shall be an annual elected position, by majority vote of the membership at the regularly scheduled election meeting. The Membership representative shall be the first point of contact for resolution of any issues from the membership. This may include, but not be limited to, accusations of impropriety, violation of the membership conduct guidelines, conduct that may negatively impact the image, integrity or honor of the amateur radio hobby in general, or the South Lane Amateur Radio Association. The Membership Representative reports directly to the vice president.
8. Elections
a. Elections shall occur in the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year in December. Officers shall assume their duties January 1 of the following year.
b. Nominations and election shall occur in the same meeting.
c. Nomination acceptance and voting by proxy shall be allowed, if signed proxies are presented in writing to the officers of the meeting. Nominees are to be present to accept nomination, or have supplied a signed proxy to be eligible for office. Nominees shall be members in good standing with the association to be eligible for nomination.
d. Any contested office shall have the voting conducted by written ballot, and tallied by persons other than those running for the office. The results shall be delivered to the Secretary for results reporting.
e. Winners shall be determined by a simple majority of votes cast by members in good standing, present or by proxy, at the Election meeting. Member in good standing is defined as having paid the present year's dues in full, at the time of the election meeting.
8a. Terms of Office
A. President shall be one year.
B. Vice President shall be two years.
C. Secretary shall be two years.
D. Treasurer shall be three years
E. Membership Representative shall be one year.
a. Membership is open to all licensed amateurs regardless of skill or experience level.
b. Membership dues are $20 per person, or $30 per household, each calendar year, Jan 1 to Dec 31.
c. Paid up members are accorded voting privileges on all matters of the association.
A. The member shall avoid conduct likely to discredit or unfavorably reflect upon the dignity and honor of the hobby, or other members of this association. The member shall not knowingly use operating practices that have the potential to lessen the pleasure of others, in their pursuit of the hobby.
B. The member shall to be free to join in association with any and all members of other organizations, to enjoy the hobby to its fullest extent. Members shall always be respectful of others in the hobby, and their chosen fields of interest.
C. The member shall endeavor to maintain an efficient and safe operating station, following accepted practices and procedures to protect ones family and community from harmful effects, conditions, or interference.
D. The member shall endeavor to make themselves available to beginners for counsel, encouragement and advice. The members shall endeavor to make themselves available to assist with any special needs of any member. We want to not only be the ambassadors of the hobby, but also to lead others by example.
E. The member shall maintain balance in their family and community activities. Amateur radio is our hobby, and we will not let it interfere with our duties to our families, employers, schools, or communities.
F. Our members shall endeavor to be prepared at all times to use their skills, knowledge, and equipment in the service of our community as well as our country in time of need.
A. Any conflicts between members, or accusations concerning membership conduct, are to be resolved at the earliest possible time and at the lowest possible level. Should the conflict not be resolved between the parties the following procedure is available.
1. The matter may be reported to the Membership Representative for possible resolution.
2. Should the issue not be resolved at the member representative level, the Member Representative shall report the issues and facts to the vice president. The vice president shall investigate the issues with the parties involved and attempt a resolution, in consultation with the president.
3. If the issues cannot be resolved to a satisfactory level of all parties, the president shall refer the matter to the full membership for guidance.
4. All decisions at the membership review level are final, and may include dismissal of any or all members involved in the conflict, from the association. Maintenance of order in the association is of primary importance, and no individual, or group of individuals, can expect to continue to take part in activities that have the potential to destroy the association.
1. The meeting shall be conducted by the president, or his/her assigned temporary replacement.
2. The presiding officer shall have the latitude to rearrange the order of the agenda, or dismiss items of the agenda if deemed appropriate for the conduct of that particular meeting.
3. The agenda shall include the following elements:
A. Call to Order
B. Distribution of a sign in sheet, or a Roll Call
C. Visitor Introductions
D. Reading, corrections, and approval of previous meeting minutes
E. Treasurer's Report
F. Committee Reports
G. Presentations
H. Old Business
I. New Business
J. Calendar of upcoming events
K. Good of the Order
L. Adjournment
In the case of disruption of the normal processes of the Association, due to a declared emergency by a duly authorized civil authority, the following conditions may be implemented. By agreement of a majority of the 5 elected officers , the implementation of any provision of the Articles of Organization may be amended or suspended as appropriate to continue the legitimate business of the Association. It will be the intent of the officers to make decisions to continue to follow the spirit and intent of the Articles listed above, within the confines of the emergency conditions that exist. This Emergency Authorization shall expire when the emergency declaration of the civil authority expires.